Author page: adminsea

The Silent Killer to Your Golf Score

The Silent Killer to Your Golf Score

It’s mid-season, the rust is shaken off from the spring, you’re on the 10th hole, and just shot the best front-9 you can remember. All of a sudden everything starts to fall apart. One second you’re dialed in and the next you’re shots are pulling up short, your swing isn’t as smooth as it was an hour ago, and your…

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Embracing Fall Golf

Embracing Fall Golf

It’s cold. It’s windy. It’s getting dark earlier. For many golfer’s, it’s quite easy to focus on the negative aspects that come with the end of the season.It’s the experienced golfer who understands one of the best kept secrets in golf: Fall golf is amazing. OK, so maybe it isn’t a big secret, but not enough people take the time…

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Upgrade Your Putter

Upgrade Your Putter

If you’re like most golfers, finding a way to improve your putting skills is always on your radar. If you’re missing those short range putts, not approaching the cup properly on long range putts, and notice that by cutting putt strokes you’ll see a significant impact in your score, it might be time to upgrade your putter. No, we don’t…

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The 3 Best Clubs You Should Be Using

The 3 Best Clubs You Should Be Using

If you were to judge the game by only the irons and wedges offered in your standard set of clubs, you would swear golfers aren’t meant to be successful within 100 yards of the green. The largest loft in a standard set of clubs is traditionally a 46’ to 48’ degree pitching wedge, which is a great tool to have…

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