Seaview Golf & Country CLub Ladies League & Membership Events.
September 14th, 2020
Throughout the season, several events and programs are offered specifically for ladies. If you have any questions or are interested in participating and would like further information, feel free to contact any representative noted at the bottom of the page.
Season Start! Our season typically starts in May when we host a Potluck Supper for the lady members. An email notification is sent in advance and we encourage as many as possible to attend. This event is a great way to meet other members and hear about plans for the upcoming season.
Members’ League: Our members’ Ladies League golf every Tuesday morning, with Tee Times starting at 9 AM. One of our members coordinates the weekly schedule for a one month duration. If you wish to golf with the league on Tuesday, you send an email on the Sunday prior to the person assigned to the schedule. Members receive an email each month advising of who will be managing the schedule. All members are welcome to attend, regardless of experience level.
Ladies and Senior Ladies Club Championship: These events are held on the same weekend each summer. Senior ladies are those who are age 50 and over. Members have the option to compete for both titles.
Ladies Invitational: Each summer we host an Invitational Tournament (two person scramble format). Ladies from clubs across Cape Breton and as far as Antigonish are invited to participate. Typically we have a great turnout for our Invitational, with lots of fun to be had and new friendships formed.
Other Ladies Invitationals: Clubs across Cape Breton also host Invitationals. As we receive information about dates and other specifics we share these details via email and our Facebook pages.
Wednesday Ladies Night: Ladies Night is hosted each Wednesday from 3pm to 7pm. This program is open to members and non-members. Tee times must be booked in the Pro Shop on Sunday. On Monday, if there are tee times not filled by the ladies they are opened to whoever may wish to take them.
Associate Memberships: Associate members from other courses enjoy the same rights/privileges as Seaview members. The only exception is they cannot participate in our club championships; however, they can golf on Tuesdays if they wish.
Season Close: We host a closing banquet at the end of the season, usually in October. A notification email is sent in advance with a request for an RSVP so we will have numbers for planning. Again, as many members as possible are encouraged to attend.
Communication: Information about upcoming events and general information can be found on the Seaview web site, as well as several Facebook pages.
Links to the pages are listed below:
Seaview Golf & Country Club Web Site: Seaview Facebook Page:
Seaview Ladies Membership Facebook Page:
Seaview Ladies Wednesday Night Golf Facebook Page:
Ladies League President: Heather Duff ( / 902-794-3926)
Ladies League Vice President: Jane MacDonald ( / 902-217-5346)
Ladies League Secretary: Paula MacRae ( / 902-322-0851)
Ladies League Treasurer: Debbie MacDonald ( / 902-577-2144)
Ladies League Publicity: Glenna Richards ( / 902-674-2302)